Monday, March 12, 2012


I took my son shopping. No big deal I know, but to us this was amazing! He was helpful and happy and we had a great time. In the past it would have turned into a meltdown by aisle 3 when he wouldn't stay by me and keep from grabbing everything in sight. I have learned ways to talk to him, how to get him to do what I need of him without argument. Not to say every day is peachy, but the bad days are getting fewer and farther between. I am finding myself more often doing things I used to dread with him(shopping, for example) Each week he seems to come out of his visit with Dr B a happier little kid. We are also learning how to do things as we go along. We have discovered new ways to be better parents, not just to a kid with ADD, but to each of our kids. We are trying to fit in more one on one time with each kid and more family time. We are slowly becoming more patient and understanding, and (simply enough) he is now doing the same. It is so perfectly clear to me now that kids take their cues from us and they will behave how we anticipate they will behave. We still have a long way to go and everything's not exactly perfect, but compared to how things were going a few months ago, it is a big improvement. His new medicine is, I'm told, mostly out of his system by the time he comes home in the afternoon. I don't see any drowsiness, he still eats like crazy and falls asleep right on time every night. His teachers notice it during the day, tho. He is more focused and moving ahead in his reading group at a very fast pace. He even brought home a reading award last week! We bought all the kids new fishing poles this weekend and with spring coming are excited to go spend some days relaxing in the best way possible....with each other!!